The economics of rooftop solar has improved over the years. It is now cheaper to install rooftop solar systems in few parts not connected to grid. Given the scarcity of land, improving technology and reducing the cost of installing solar, many people and institutions are installing solar power systems on the rooftops. One of the major attractive propositions of installing a rooftop solar system in your establishment is the availability of credits in one’s electricity bill. In order to claim the credit, installers need to have a net meter installed at their place which keeps a tab of power that was sent back to the grid. It is one of the major pre-requisites for claiming a rebate on the electricity bill. 

As convenient as it sounds, the entire process could be a bit daunting for a newbie in the solar industry. The process of installing net meters involves certain procedures including reports, documentation, etc. The implementation of net metering policy in India has been process oriented as the DISCOM gives more focus on safety precautions for everyone. Each state’s DISCOM has a different net metering policy. The net metering policy in India is facing many challenges currently but it will be simple in future. Lengthy clearance and approval processes being the major ones. Solar installers face long approval processes which can last anywhere between 3-6 months.

Checklist for Net Metering Approvals

When JE comes for site inspection for net metering, he/she checks the following parameters before approving the net meter.

Si. No.Parameters to be CheckedSub-parameters
1Solar PV ModulesMake – Rating/Qty – 375WP/14No. of Input Strings – 14No. of Modules in one string – 14
2Solar PV InverterMake – ENPHASEInverter Model Number – ENPHASE IQ7+Rating / Qty – 290 VA / 14MPPT DC voltage range – 290 VA / 14Output supply type – 220VNo. of Termination points – stringCross selection of cable – 2c x provision – yes
3Earthing TypePV Panel – yesPV Inverter – noLighting Arrester – yes
4ProtectionAC Breaker – InstalledDC Breaker – InstalledLighting Arrester – Installer
5Meter InstallationSpace for Net Metering – ProvidedSpace for Solar Meter – ProvidedEarthing Leakage Device Installed – InstalledExisting Cable Size – 2cx10 Cable Size/length (if required) -Required Net Meter type/Qty – 3/1Required Solar meter type/Qty- na

What is net metering ?

Net metering is a kind of meter that is used for the import and export of unit by an electricity company. This device help in measuring unit to generate electricity bills.

What is benefits of net metering?

You can export your solar generation to discoms when you have no use of electricity and later on during the night or other time you can take it back, so you don’t need pay any extra electricity bill if you don’t import excess electricity than export from discoms.

Why it takes so much time to get new metering after application submission?

Its very simple, currently discoms are charging high rate approx. rs. 7 per unit for residential homes whereas the cost of solar generation is much cheaper approx. rs. 2.99 per unit. So discoms don’t want to loose their money from existing homeowners. Besides, there are some jr. engineer who delay this process by finding some faults in the installation process or document compliances.

Some of the states such as Gujarat and Rajasthan have made favourable policy so it takes lesser time in net metering process, usually around 10-15 days.

Why electricity bill is increased when net meter is installed ?

What happens when you install net metering after that it should also incorporate in electricity bills. It means exported unit should be visible in bills so at many places this complain raised that export unit are not visible in bills so your bill not reduced so after some initial complaint its adjusted and your billing amount gets reduced, later on its corrected for lifetime.

Has any one benefited from net meter?

Absolutely yes, there are many such customer who adopted this on grid solution with net metering and finally they are so happy as they have successfully reduced their electricity bill to almost 0. One of them customer is …..from

What is net metering policy in each state?

So some of the states of have adopted gross meter policy, it means you generate solar electricity and if you export to discoms you are paid at approx. rs. 2 to 3 per unit. So where gross metering policy is adopted, you should install as much you needed otherwise you won’t get much benefited.

How much cost in net metering installations?

Usually it cost in between rs. 10,000 to rs. 15,000 including testing and installations but some states may charge little more.

What is process of net metering installations?

Broadly net metering installation is same across all states but some state/UT may differ so you must visit to your block/divisional office to get more details.

Step 1: Fill the form  (online/offline) to apply for net metering and submit divisional officer

Step 2: Jr. Engineer will visit the site and after inspection he will provide confirmation to install the solar system

Step 3: Once solar system is installed, Submit required documents such as

  • Net metering fee
  • Property paper
  • Solar system certifications
  • Installation certificate from installer

Step 4: Again Jr. Engineer visit your site to audit proper installation, if all compliance are met they will issue net metering and also will install at your premises. (In some states you can buy net metering from out side market from authorized company and after testing of this net metering you can install it.)

Terms & Conditions:

  1. Property should be in your name
  2. Installation capacity should not be greater than sanction load, if in any case sanction load is lower then you must apply to increase the sanction load.
  3. you must have solar panel, inverter and earthing data sheet and test report
  4. Arrange certificate of installation from Installer/system integrator
  5. Solar panel, inverter, earthing and ACDB/DCDB should be installed as per MNRE guidelines 

The solar Panel market is growing across the globe as demand is picking up across all the regions whether it’s developing countries or developed countries. According to Wikipedia, Solar Energy Market reached to 3,90,000 Cr. (USD 52 billion) in the year 2018 and is expected to reach to 16,72,500 Cr. (USD 223 billion) in year 2026. This change we are experiencing led by many reasons such as: 

  1. Product reliability and sustainability
  2. Cost of manufacturing Solar panel is reducing
  3. Solar Awareness has increased
  4. Cost of electricity is constantly in the rise and it breached all previous levels
  5. Climate change and corrective measures have become a necessity now
  6. Many Countries have set Net Zero Target by year 2050

In Last 10 years China has become the hub of solar panel manufacturing plant and it has exported across the globe. So Far China has installed 254 GW, USA has installed 75 GW and India has installed 40 GW by the year 2020. India has set the target to install 280 GW solar panels by year 2030.

In India, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu are leading states in installation of solar panels. India has the largest solar park installed of 2.2 GW in Bhadla, Rajasthan.

Solar Panels installation in India is growing fast, thanks to many government initiative such as

  1. Grid connected solar system (subsidy on solar system)
  2. KUSUM Yojana (Solar Water pump installation at subsidies rate)
  3. PLI Scheme for Manufacturers (Produce solar panel in India)

Key Challenges that still remain to be looked at:

  1. Solar awareness – more penetration is needed
  2. Product is expensive (one time cost)- the price for many users is still prohibitive
  3. Easy Finance not available- the loans : EMI options are yet to be streamlined
  4. Land Availability
  5. Government policies are not consistent – this varies from state to state and becomes cumbersome

If you are reading this article, you have probably made a decision to install solar panels in your establishment. Congratulations! because you have taken a big step towards eco-friendly living and saving big on your electricity bill. Though it sounds easy, installing solar panels involves a lot of big and small decisions to be made and if the right step/ decision is not taken you will tend to lose on its benefits and not maximize it to its fullest. Hence, we recommend an engineer visit for your site to avoid any such mishaps. An engineer is well-equipped with knowledge about the entire installation process and is well-positioned to advise you in this regard.


1. Avoid any destruction of the Solar Panel

The major benefit of an engineer visit is that he can guide you properly about the type/ size/ quality of solar panels that will suit the location and structure of your roof.

2. Shadow Effect

An engineer is the best judge to help you get the maximum benefit of your solar panels. He takes into account the shadow effect and advises to accordingly install the panels in a place where the shadow effect is minimal.

3. Structural advice

The role of an engineer is very important before installing a solar system at your establishment. He also provides structural advice, so that the panels that are installed are best suited to the weather conditions. Suppose the area where you want to install the system has high windy conditions then the engineer will advise accordingly on the brand and the size that you should install at your location. Else, if you skip this process the solar panels might just fly off in case of heavy wind storms.

4. Size/ Capacity of the system

An engineer will also guide you on the Size/ Capacity of the system based on your consumption pattern as per the electricity bill.

Why Is Engineer Visit Required?

Some of the important questions to be kept in mind and discussed with the engineer are:

1: How many watts of solar system can I install? 

Often users ask this question about how many watts system should they install. Please note the size of a solar system that needs to be installed depends upon the rooftop area size and your consumption pattern. A small house needs a smaller sized system when compared to a large-sized house because the consumption is lower for a smaller house.

2: What should be the degree of inclination?

An important thing to keep in mind while installing solar panels is the tilt angle. The Solar panel tilt angle is the angle between the horizontal ground and the solar module, which is decided according to the latitude of your location. You should get your panels fixed on the solar panel stand at that particular angle to get the maximum output.

3: What is the Sun’s direction? 

The solar system should be installed in a direction to receive maximum sunlight. The light from the sun falls on the solar panels from where electricity is generated. This DC from the sun is converted into AC with the help of the inverter.

4: Can the Solar Panels be installed in different places or should they be placed together?

For better output and performance solar panels should be installed together, else there will be wires all over your rooftop.

5: Where should I install the Solar inverter?

The solar inverter should be placed away from direct sunlight. The area should have proper ventilation and be moisture-resistant. The place should also be accessible for maintenance purposes.

6: How to carry the solar panels to the roof?

Care should be taken to move the panels from the ground to the top floor. If you are using the stairs extra caution must be taken especially at the turns and corners. 


You can see that there are numerous benefits of an engineer visit. Installing a solar system is an expensive affair and you do not want to goof up your investment. Hence, it is for the best that you avail of an engineer visit and get customized answers to your problems. For any details regarding an engineer visit, please contact us at Doon Solar Farm

Before the lights go out… conquer the energy crisis before it conquers us!

Switching over to solar energy is not an easy and cheap decision to make. It is a major decision which can affect the quality of life that you and your family will live for the rest of your time on earth. There are a number of things you need to know about solar power before you can arrive at a decision. So, to help you make the best decision for yourself and your family, here are six reasons to go solar and why it would be wise for you to say yes, too.

1. Solar power benefits the environment: Thinking of how you can help Mother Nature? Going solar is one of the answers. When you go solar, you don’t just do yourself a favour but the environment as well. Since it’s a clean source of energy, it doesn’t produce greenhouse gasses and other harmful emissions which hurt Mother Nature. Amazing, right?

2. Solar energy helps you save money: It looks contradictory at first given the amount of money you have to shell out to have it installed (if you pay a lump sum), but in the long run, using solar power will help you save more because you don’t have to pay for electricity. It’s also a sound investment given that its value will be added to your home’s property value.

3. Solar power helps you be independent: You won’t be at the mercy of utility providers. They can raise energy prices all they want but you won’t be affected at all. When there are power cuts, you’d still have power since you rely on solar energy, which is a renewable source.

4. Solar panels have a long life and are easy to install: Solar panels have life of 25 years and they have no moving parts which means no maintenance costs. They are easy to install, too. They only need a number of bolts to hold them secured.

5. Solar energy can be used anytime of the day: There is this myth that you can only use solar power when the sun is up there in the sky. However, the truth is that you can choose a battery backup system and store the solar energy to power your home anytime, even at night.

6. Solar energy is the future: Going solar puts you ahead of the curve. Plus, there’s nothing way cooler than powering your entire home using energy from the sun, right?
Deciding whether you’ll add solar panels at home is like pondering about your very first home purchase. It requires careful thought and consideration but the benefits you’ll reap are undeniable. Go solar today and see how it can transform your life for the better.

Solar energy is not about fashion… It is about Survival!

                                                            -Sir Norman Foster

Solar are not subject to any market risk but are victim of many myths

India is abundantly blessed with solar radiation. According to reports India gets as much as 300 days of sunshine. Despite the great solar potential, India has been unable to harness much of its sun bank. The lack of solar understanding at an individual level is probably the single biggest hindrance in the proliferation of solar energy in India, especially domestic solar rooftops.

It is perhaps time to view solar energy from a different angle (pun intended). Solar is an investment; one that is not too different from a financial instrument like Mutual Funds. Only difference, returns with solar are not subject to any market risk but are victim of many myths. It’s time we bust a few of them!

Myth 1:”Solar is not for me”

Truth: Solar energy is for all, irrespective of the power cut situation in your locality. Solar energy should be viewed as a financial investment. Even if you have 24-hours access to grid or utility power, you can still invest in solar energy and get good returns on your money. An investment, like the one you make in any financial instrument that gets comparable, maybe even better returns!

Consider this: If you live in Gurgaon and your monthly electricity bill is Rs.10,000/- on an average, an investment of Rs.1, 30,000/- into a solar-rooftop On-grid solution of 1.75 kWatts can potentially fetch you a return on investment of up to 20% p.a. in the form of savings in your monthly electricity bill!

Moreover, solar energy is pollution free which makes it great for the environment. Returns while reducing your carbon-footprint – cherry on the cake!

Myth 2: “Solar is too costly”

Truth: The prices of solar energy have come down drastically in the last few years making it affordable and inevitable! You can start investing in solar with as low as a few thousand rupees. Depending on your needs different solar solutions are possible. For larger solutions requiring higher investments one can also avail financing and convert them into EMIs under short-term or long term loans. (Read below). Of course, the more you invest the better the returns!

Talking of returns, solar energy compares favourably against traditionally known alternate power sources such as diesel gen-sets with an advantage of up to 50% when investment and running costs are taken into consideration.

Myth 3: “Solar is too complex”

Truth: Not at all! Getting started with a solar solution is as easy as installing any other household appliance say like an air conditioner. It’s a simple 3 step process that starts with a site inspection to assess Solar Energy Potential moving on to a recommended solution with necessary approvals from the distribution company (only required for net-metering solutions) to installation of the solution that in itself takes a day!

You must buy a solar solution as per your specific need. Finally, the following guidelines would be handy in understanding the different types of solutions and when they should be bought:

On-grid Solution On-Grid type solutions enable you to produce electricity using solar energy and export it to the grid. It comprises of a grid-connected system including a bi-directional net-meter. The net-meter records both import and export of electric units. You only pay for the net units imported, thus saving on your electricity bills. Grid connected systems offer the best ROI on solar investment.

Off-grid Solution Off-Grid Solutions allow you to store solar power for later use. They comprise of battery packs that store the solar power generated during the day. These solutions are best suited for areas with high power cuts. The cost of these Off-Grid solutions is relatively higher because of the batteries, however, they are better than diesel generator in more than one way. Firstly, the unit cost of electricity (including the capital cost) from a diesel generator is Rs 20-25.

On the other hand, unit cost of electricity (including batteries cost) from solar is approximately half that of a diesel generator. Secondly, a diesel generator is idle when there is no power cut whereas the Solar system works irrespective of power outage situation. Solar Inverters smartly prioritize solar energy over grid power and deliver savings. Thirdly, unlike diesel generators, solar panels do not create pollution. Long story short, solar energy is a clear champion.